HR EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH Inicjatywa Doskonałości – Uczelnia Badawcza YUFE Yerun

Erasmus+ na Krecie

Erasmus+ na Krecie


Drodzy Studenci! Choć obecna sytuacja nie zachęca do podróżowania po Europie, miejmy nadzieję, że wkrótce się to zmieni i będziecie mogli realizować swoje marzenia jak Wasze koleżanki i koledzy, którzy skorzystali z możliwości wyjazdu na studia w ramach programu Erasmus+. Przeczytacie relację Anniki i Espena, którzy spędzili cały rok akademicki w uczelni partnerskiej - University of Crete.

"We decided to do a one year Erasmus on the island of Crete, Greece. Although it was quite a lot of work to organise our courses it was worth every minute. The university there was fantastic, we learned a lot and felt like we could keep up with our peers. We took some Greek classes but you can easily get by with English.  Every weekend we rented a car and went camping around the island, one of the most beautiful places we have ever been.  The weather was amazing for the whole year (except for January and February where it rained a lot). The people were incredibly friendly and helpful. We had the best time and even got engaged at the end :-) Would highly recommend Crete as a place to spend your Erasmus!!”

Annika Wieneke i Espen Iselvmo – studenci 6 roku kierunku lekarskiego (English Division CM)

Erasmus + na Krecie

Erasmus + na Krecie

 Erasmus + na Krecie
Erasmus + na Krecie Erasmus + na Krecie

Erasmus + na Krecie


  Erasmus Kreta2d  


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